Terms & Conditions

  • Non refundable and non-transferable: Once you purchase subscription, there will be no refund for the payment made. The subscription is not transferable to other account.

  • Auto-renewal: The subscription automatically renews unless subscription is cancelled by going to My Profile section under your account. The subscription should be turned off at least 48-hours before the end of the current period.

  • Individual subscription: The subscription is applied to individual member of the team who has purchased the subscription. It is not a team subscription. This subscription will allow the team member to turn off the Ad. Ad can be turned off by clicking on More tab and then turning Ad flags off.

  • Team subscription: Team subscription is applied to all the members in the team. There is a limit of 50 members per team for team subscription. if a member uses InstaTeam only for Ad-Free Subscription team, the Ad for the member will be blocked. However, if any member uses InstaTeam for other teams that do not have Ad-Free subscription, they will see the Ad. The Ad are turned off when the team member only belongs to the teams such that all the teams have Ad-Free subscription.